Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


Life as a Pupil

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

As a pupil at Gildersome Primary you can look forward to many things.

Our classrooms have been cleverly designed to give you lots of light and space to keep you comfortable in lessons. They have special areas where you can learn to make models and paint. Each year group has ten computers and outdoor areas where you can learn in the fresh air. Lessons at school are designed to be exciting, challenging and enjoyable. We want you to enjoy learning.

We also have lots of quiet zones, such as the library, where you can work in small groups.  There’s a media zone where you can learn how to make films and record your stories so that your parents can enjoy them too. We also have an outdoor drama area where you can practise for assemblies and school plays. We have special staging for these that can also be used as seating for your parents to watch from. You will also be able to learn how to cook healthy food in our practical room, how to play instruments in our music room and explore history by handling the objects in our school’s museum (the rule is touch!). If you like art you will also be able to exhibit your work in special frames in our gallery or visit our friends at Artemis to select artwork from the Leeds Museum and Galleries Services collection. We usually have around thirty of their paintings brightening up our school.

Sport is an important part of our school and we enter teams in lots of different competitions. We even have our own inter-house events which everyone can take part in.

You must behave well at our school. To help you learn how to do this we reward all our well behaved children every Friday afternoon by letting them choose what they’d like to do from a range of exciting activities we offer. There are lots of choices including sports, arts, drama, computers and gardening. On the rare occasion that someone has not behaved well they may not be allowed to do these things. Instead they may spend time with our Learning Mentor who will support them to make better choices. This also happens to anyone who repeatedly stops others from working. You do not have to worry about this, because in our school everyone is expected to behave very well.

You can also look forward to learning from lots of different people. Even though your teachers will have many talents, nobody knows everything. For this reason you’ll be helped by lots of experts such as architects, engineers, accountants, archaeologists, scientists, lawyers, designers and writers.  We invite these people into school to help you learn and tell you how to get the job you want when you leave school.

There will be much more to look forward to at our school. Through our school council, pupil surveys and online learning blogs you will have lots of chances to tell us what would make your learning even better.  This is very important at our school, because most of the things just mentioned came from our pupils’ ideas.

Life as a pupil