Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


Healthy Schools

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Gildersome Primary was awarded  Healthy Schools Status and Beacon status in January, 2025 after lots of dedication and hard work by the staff, (not least, Mrs Berry-Simpson) the children, the parents and the governors! 

Gildersome Primary School staff, children, parents and governors have achieved the Healthy Schools standard. We began our journey in September 2017 and were self-evaluated in July 2018. We first achieved external validation in June, 2019, October 2021 and this was validated again in January, 2025.  To read the full reports click the link below.

Healthy Schools Full Report - January 2025

The National Healthy School Standard is part of the Government’s drive to reduce health inequalities, promote social inclusion and raise educational standards. The overall aim is to help schools to become healthier.

A healthy school is one that is successful in helping pupils to do their best and build on their achievements. It is committed to ongoing improvement and development and promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. A healthy school understands the importance of investing in health to assist in the process of raising levels of pupil achievement and improving standards. It also recognises the need to provide both a physical and social environment that is conducive to learning.

Healthy Schools

A Healthy School is one that promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible relevant information which equips pupils, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.  From recent media coverage there is increasing concern about rising rates of obesity, tooth decay and related health problems in children.  As a school it is part of our responsibility to help children learn how to live a health lifestyle

Our aims
  • to promote a whole school approach to a healthy lifestyle 
  • to provide freshly cooked nutritious school meals in line with the School Food Standards
  • to encourage children and staff to make informed decisions on a healthy lifestyle based on positive attitudes and up to date information
  • to create a safe environment for working and playing both inside and outside
  • to provide high quality Physical Education and School Sport and promote Physical Activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle
  • to develop the teaching of Food Technology aspect of the Design and Technology Curriculum with regards to Healthy Eating and to monito this to ensure progression of skills
  • to provide children with more choices as to how they use their playtime by the development of the school grounds and the introduction of play leaders 
  • to encourage children to choose a healthy snack at morning break by providing a wide variety of healthy options in our Key Stage 2 tuck shop
  • to support the 'Fruit for Schools' initiative by encouraging Foundation Stage and KS1 to eat one portion every day at break/snack time
  • to highlight the importance of drinking water by encouraging all pupils to have a water bottle in school 
  • to give pupils a voice to influence change through our School Food Ambassadors programme and School Council
  • to help children develop greater confidence, motivation, self-esteem and have the skills, information and understanding to make important life and health choices

For children to learn how to develop good relationships and respect the differences between people.

Now we have achieved the award, this is just the start of our on-going journey.  Further work will be supported by our Healthy Schools Leader - Mrs Berry-Simpson, our PSHE Lead, Mrs Johnson, our PE Lead, Mr Ryan and our SMSC Lead, Mrs Parker.

There are four main areas of the Healthy Schools Status and below you will find links to information about each area and what we can offer at Gildersome Primary School. 

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Healthy Eating

Physical Activity 

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)