Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


PE and Sport Funding 

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium



Primary School PE and Sport Funding 


In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of £150 million pounds for PE and sport for schools. Gildersome Primary School received £19,150k to be spent in the academic year 2022-23.

What Gildersome Primary School has chosen to spend the money on?


The employment of Specialist PE teachers & qualified coaches


Circa £9,000 has been spent on employing specialist PE teachers to work alongside teaching and support staff during lessons. The aim is to help increase their subject knowledge and confidence in delivering PE lessons. Circa £700 has been spent providing non-contact time for the 2 PE leaders to liaise with the specialist PE teachers and to develop the PE curriculum.

Funding has been allocated to provide swimming lessons for all children in year 4 for the whole of the academic year, giving children opportunity to exceed the National Curriculum requirement of being able to swim 25 metres.

Provide professional development for teaching & support staff


All staff have had CPD training to support their delivery of good and outstanding lessons. Teachers have been involved in the cycle of: observing lessons and team teaching, and independent teaching has then been observed and feedback given. Lessons now incorporate good features across school. Staff have audited their own skills and phase staff meetings have been carried out this year to develop areas specific to the age of children.

Ensure we compile accurate assessments of our children’s progress whilst at school.


Staff have been released to devise and carry out baseline assessments on all children’s levels of fitness at the start of the academic year. This process will be repeated 3 times over the year to give children clear targets to improve on. It will also give teachers a view of children’s fitness across the school and where areas to develop are identified, this will be fed back into the teacher’s planning.

Providing all year-round swimming lessons for children in year 4


The percentage of children that did not meet end of key stage requirements last year was low. Therefore, we have invested an extra £5000 this year to ensure that children have more access to lessons.


Children are progressing at a faster rate and this is verified by the number of children who have moved up groups since September. 

At the South Leeds School's swimming Gala, (13 local schools) the children in the team gained 13 medals and achieved medals in each of the relay team events.  We achieved more medals than any other local school.

Acquire appropriate schemes of work and resources for both KS1 and KS2.


All staff have access to high quality planning and resources in range of sporting activities. The planning and assessment has been devised across the Family of Schools to ensure that it is high quality.

Releasing a Sports Coach from class to train Sports Leaders and providing equipment and bibs so that the children can be identified easily by all the children


Children in Key Stage 2 classes nominate a different sports leader for each house every half-term. They are then trained on a weekly basis by our Sports Coach to equip them with the skills to engage other children in the playground. The impact can be clearly seen in the way children engage with each other in the playground and in their development of Leadership skills. The children have also developed their own ‘resource bank’ of activities for break times.

Developing cooperative and engaging physical activity at break time through funding a coach to support active and engaging play.


The impact of this can be seen in the engagement of children at break time. Football is now not the dominant game on the playground – on some days the children choose not to play football at all as other, engaging games are being encouraged.

Increasing the participation in school competitions and ensuring adequate supervision


Children are keen to volunteer to take part in Family of School sports competitions including games such as dodgeball, football and multi-sports.  Staff have been released from school to support the events and coach the children.

An additional £4,000 has been allocated to provide specific clubs. This will target children who do not have access to / choose to do activities outside of school. The aim is to give these children access to a range of unusual activities at sites outside the school such as tennis, swimming, climbing wall etc. 25% of the intake targets specific children who have shown a talent / gift for a particular activity and 25% of the intake is targeted at children who do not do many activities outside of school. The remaining 50% is open to any child in the target year group.

This follows the DFE Guidance:

Support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs, holiday clubs and Change4Life clubs

Other useful information


Inspectors assessed and reported on how effectively the sport funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision within Gildersome Primary School.

  • The use of the sports premium funding is effective in raising pupils’ engagement in physical activities in school and with other schools. Pupils’ well-being is treated as a high priority here. (OfSTED March 2018)
National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety July 2024

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

N.B. Even though your children may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving

primary school.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?



 Data as of July, 2023