Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


Nurturing our children's wellbeing

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

Nurture - to care for and protect someone while they are growing.

We pride ourselves on the importance we place on nurturing our children. We believe that children learn best when they are happy, cared for and when their emotional and mental well-being is at the heart of everything. At Gildersome Primary school, we have many ways in which we support children to enable them to be in the best place to learn and to support them on their journey to adulthood. If you need help, support or advice, the following information and links may be useful.

Alternatively, you could contact school for further help. Please contact and we will direct your email to the right person who may be: your child's class teacher, a phase leader, the Learning mentor (Mr Wright) or any member of the Senior Leadership Team (Mrs Hoyle, Mrs Longley or Ms Ilott)

A strong pastoral team
  • BOXALL profile for key pupils
  • Drawing and Talking
  • Nurture Groups
  • Zones of Regulation (KS2) and Colour Monsters (EYFS and KS1)
  • Strengths and Difficulties questionnaires and associated programmes of work for specific children
  • Good systems in place to monitor attendance and address persistent absence and a dedicated 'Attendance Champion' who is part of the Senior Leadership Team
CLuster Support
  • Counselling
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Signpost to other agencies such as Housing 
  • Art Therapy
  • Family Support
  • Children visit their new teacher over the course of a week at the end of the academic year 
  • Teachers do a 'Meet the Teacher' session so parents and children can have a meet a greet before the summer break
  • Both teachers have transition meetings with clear guidelines for records and discussions
  • High school staff have discussions with the current teacher and meet the children before the summer break
  • Vulnerable children have extra visits to new classes and to High Schools
  • CPOMS for effective reporting and recording of incidents
  • Regular Child Protection Meetings include discussions about safeguarding issues as well as discussions about vulnerable children and their families
  • Safeguarding audit every 3 years
  • Cluster and Social Care monthly / half termly meetings  to discuss concerns
  • Friday briefings - regular updates re children with concern.   (See Safeguarding page for further details)
  • Open door policy
  • Lots of opportunities to gather and to respond to pupil voice
  • Opportunities for regular parental feedback
  • All stakeholders invested in the children
  • Strong focus on 'Nurture' - ensuring the children are in a good place to learn
in school programmes
  • Effective special educational needs provision lead by a dedicated, non class-based teacher
  • Y6 Sports Leaders and House Captains
  • Y6 Helpers across school
  • Reading Buddies
  • School council
  • Nursery Key worker groups
  • Calm Down boxes
  • 50 things to do before you leave Gildersome Primary School
  • Sensory circuits
  • Autism Friendly strategies in place where needed
  • Visual timetables
  • Individual and whole school provision maps
Themed weeks
  • Keep Safe Week
  • Children's mental Health week
  • Online safety week
  • Settling in / getting to know you activities at the start of the academic year
  • Celebrating diversity and difference week
positive praise at the heart of learning
  • A clear behaviour policy which is regularly reviewed with investment from all stakeholders
  • Behaviour system based on 'Trackit Lights'
  • Reasonable adjustments for children with SEN behaviour needs
  • Reward charts
  • Individual provision maps for some children
support from other agencies
  • Nurture is a driver for our curriculum and is supported by strong teaching in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Sex and relationship education (SRE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC)
  • Healthy schools accreditation
  • Mindmate Friendly status and working towards Mindmate Champion Award
  • Child-friendly policies
  • Ask it Baskets
  • Growth Mindset lessons
  • Learning cliff school resource
  • Planned, evidence based interventions to help children 'catch-up and keep up'
  • "Every child, Every lesson" ethos
  • Links with St Peter's Church and ministry
  • Focus on the whole child, not just the curriculum
  • Restorative Practice model of conflict resolution
  • Visits and residentials
  • Wide range of music and PE activities within school and out of school
  • A sense of pride and responsibility to look after the local area and contribute to being a good citizen by engaging in community projects
  • Pupil voice and school council                                                              (See Curriculum pages for further details)
  •  Lunch and after school Clubs including Crafts, chess, choir, sports etc