Visits for Prospective Pupils and Parents
Nurture, Aspire, Achieve
Choosing the right school for our children is a highly important priority for all parents. Your child will spend at least seven years at a primary school. We recommend that parents try to visit as many of their potential schools as possible in order to form a clear understanding of what individual schools have to offer. We also recommend that parents, where possible, arrange to take their child along with them as their feelings on first visiting a school can be extremely enlightening.
We are always proud to show potential parents around our school. To arrange an informal visit at a time convenient to you please contact our Headteacher, Mrs Hoyle by calling 0113 2012450 or using the contact form below.
You can also use the form below to receive e-mail and text invitations to our opening days and other special events. If you would prefer not to receive these just mention it in the comment box.
There is a prospective meeting scheduled for every November - if you have a child due to start reception, feel free to come to school to visit us. The office staff will be able to give you the date of the meeting. Or, alternatively, look at the diary dates sheet for further information.