Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


British Values

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

British Values Statement

The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

Actively promoting these values means challenging pupils, staff or parents/carers who express opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including ‘extremist’ views.  Gildersome Primary School takes opportunities and is committed to promoting these fundamental British values in the following ways.


Pupil voice, as well as parent/carer and staff voice, plays a central part in developing school improvement priorities.  The school is clear in demonstrating how pupils should contribute and co-operate and consider the views and needs of others. The School Council meets regularly and takes part in decision making on a range of topics. Our positive behaviour policy is centred on ‘Restorative Practice’ which aims to give everyone a voice whilst developing responsibility, empathy and an opportunity to make amends

Actions Taken: Pupils were consulted on the effectiveness of the behaviour policy to ensure that their views about it were taken into consideration – what do they like about it? What works well? Is there anything that needs to be changed? Children increasingly given the responsibility of deciding sanctions (overseen by staff. 4 children visited the Houses of Parliament in London in July 17 to learn more about the purpose and role of the British Government. The school council visited Morley Town Hall Youth Forum to decide how they would like spend the local authority budget allocation. The yer 6 school council members also have a meeting termly to discuss local issues with member from other Morley schools. Regular school council meetings take place in school where children lead their own agenda.

Next Steps:  The school council are working on playground developments.

The Rule of Law

Staff consistently reinforce high expectations of pupils. The school has a ‘Behaviour Code’ which all pupils are expected to follow. Each class also has their own ‘Class Promise’. Whenever appropriate, pupils are taught the value and reasons behind these expectations (rules), that they are there to protect us, everyone has responsibility and there may be consequences when rules are disregarded. Visits from the Police, Fire Service etc are a feature of our curriculum to reinforce their role in our society and to create positive relationships with the children.

Actions Taken: See details re Democracy.

Individual Liberty 

Within school, everyone is actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  The school provides pupils with opportunities to learn about what makes a good choice. Pupils are encouraged to express their views and teaching and learning incorporates their preferences and interests. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for children to make choices safely, though provision of a safe environment and empowering education. The Learning Code encourages children to care about their learning, to aspire to do well, to be responsible for the learning and the choices they make and they know and understand that they have to put effort into learning.

Actions Taken: The ‘Children’s Rights and Responsibilities act’ are going to be a feature of assemblies so that children understand what they have a right to and what their responsibilities are.

Mutual Respect

At Gildersome Primary School, values of respect and tolerance permeate all areas of school life.  This engenders a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure and facilitates the fulfilment of potential.  All staff demonstrate respect to everyone with whom they come into contact. They consistently model and promote the behaviours and attitudes that are the foundation of positive relationships. The strong school ethos encourages everyone to consider and support each other and to celebrate the worth and individuality of every member of the school community.

Actions Taken: The school continue to maintain good relationships in the community – visits to provide entertainment at the residential home, helping to plan bulbs within green spaces in the village, contributing to village events such as the Christmas Lights switch-on and the Scarecrow Festival. Year 6 now take part in the Remembrance Service at the cenotaph and contribute towards a community display to celebrate and commemorate those that have been involved in wars.

Next Steps: To look for other ways of positively engaging within community projects. We are going to be working with the Parish council on ways to improve the local environment.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

The school’s curriculum aims to develop understanding of the world.  The RE and PSHE schemes of work provide opportunities for pupils to develop tolerance of and empathy towards those from different faiths, beliefs and cultures. Each week, an assembly is based around “World Events and Celebrations” in which we seek to develop tolerance and understanding of people’s beliefs and faiths whilst reinforcing British values. The school has a link with the University of Leeds and this has resulted in some positive relationships with University Students from other countries who have shared their expertise about an aspect of their culture. The school has a strong link with St Peter's church - the school attends various services there throughout the academic year.

Next Steps: To encourage members of different faiths and religions to visit school.

Develop school visits to a wider number of places of worship and ensure that the visits have a range of educational purposes.

Establish learning links with a school in Leeds which has contrasting pupil ethnicities.

British Tradition and Heritage

We celebrate the role of Britain both historically and in the present. We want pupils to have knowledge of and be proud of their British heritage and the cultural and historical traditions that we are renowned for the world over.

Actions taken: Celebrating royal events, Remembrance Day (annual cenotaph visits), festivals such as Harvest, Christmas, Easter (alongside those from other cultures such as Eid, Diwali and Chinese New Year, for example) and patron saint days. We take part in the School’s Shakespeare Festival and with a range of productions, performing at The Carriageworks Theatre in Leeds. The children visit places of cultural significance such as Skipton Castle, Jorvik, York Museum (Romans), Danelaw (Viking village), Leeds Museum (Egyptians), Yorkshire Sculpture Park, regional theatres (A link with Opera North)

Next Steps: To continue to add new experiences to support children’s understanding of British Tradition and Heritage. To develop the list of 'Activities to do before leaving Gildersome Primary school' to ensure that our children access a range of experiences to enhance their cultural capital as part of our broad and balanced curriculum.

British values in early years

For more information on how we teach British Values in Early Years, please click here.

British Values Planning

Each year group has aspects of British Values embedded into their planning. These can be viewed below:

Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2
Year 3/ 4 Cycle A Year 3/4 Cycle B Year 5 Year 6