Safeguarding Concerns
Reporting a safeguarding concern
If you have safeguarding concerns about a child you should take the following action:
During office hours
- Call Children's Social Work Services on 0113 222 4403 (Weekdays 9am to 5pm, except Wednesdays when the service does not open until 10am)
- Contact the school and ask to speak to one of the safeguarding leads: Mrs Hoyle, Mrs Longley, Mr Wright, Ms Ilott or Ms Roclawski
- Speak to your child's class teacher
- Discuss your concerns with someone who works with children and families, e.g. your health visitor, social worker or school nurse.
Out of office hours
- If you think a child is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999
- Evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays, contact the emergency team: 0113 5350600.
Are you a child who needs some help or support?
Use the links below to find places that can help and support you if you have any worries or concerns or fill out the contact form to let school know. This will only be sent to a trusted adult at school.