British Values in Early Years
British Values must be incorporated and demonstrated through EYFS learning and play (OFSTED)
The four British Values are Democracy, The rule of law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance.
In Early Years we are mindful of how we teach these British Values, it is age appropriate and embedded into everyday practice.
Democracy ‘making decisions together’
In Early Years we showcase everyone being treated equally and having equal rights. We teach children that their opinions are important and we listen to and value each child’s thoughts and feelings. We give the children the power to choose and make decisions on their own and in groups.
How we promote Democracy in our setting
- through the PSED aspects of our curriculum (particularly Self Confidence and Self Awareness)
- children choose which activities they are going to do in the areas of provision
- children vote for class target rewards
- children choose their own snack and lunch
- children take turns in a variety of activities (games, phonics, key worker sessions, physical play) and share resources fairly
- encourage children to identify their emotions and talk about the reasons for these emotions (how are feeling today boards and references to the zones of regulation)
- develop enquiring minds – asking and answering important questions in an atmosphere where responses are valued
- use children’s ideas and interests to change areas of provision
The rule of law ‘understanding that rules matter’
In Early Years we ensure that children understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences. We help them to distinguish right from wrong by promoting ‘the rule of law’.
How we promote the rule of law in our setting
- through the PSED aspects of our curriculum (particularly Managing Feelings and Behaviour)
- work with the children to create a class promise and a class set of rules
- display the codes of behaviour and consistently follow the Schools ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system
- use key worker times to regularly review the class promise and rules to ensure children understand that the rules apply to everyone
- in our People Who Help Us topic invite a police worker in to learn about laws and rules we need to follow in the community
- help children to understand their actions and consequences by using the thinking chair to give children time to think/explain how something they might have done might have made another child feel (rather than just say ‘sorry’)
- use puppets/role play/hot seating to explore right and wrong
Mutual Respect and Tolerance ‘treat others as you want to be treated’
In Early Years we encourage everyone to treat other people how you would like to be treated and learn to understand and appreciate each other’s differences, without allowing these differences to cause a change in the treatment of any sort. We are forming relationships within a community without discrimination. Our environment is inclusive, respectful and values faiths, cultures and races. We focus, in Early Years, on sharing and respecting other’s opinions.
How we promote Mutual Respect and Tolerance in our setting
- through PSED (Managing Feelings and Behaviour and Making Relationships) and UTW (People and Communities)
- encourage children to share stories of their home that reflect the values and diversity of their experiences and families (and use Tapestry to share photos and videos and our Oracy project - Chatterbox)
- provide resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping
- ensure reading corners have a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction books that promote respect and inclusivity
- try and take children on visits that engage with the wider community
- actively promoting respect and tolerance
- use of the outdoor area to support respecting nature and our wider world.
- begin to think about how we treat the World in our Under the Sea topics and Our Wider World topic (Rec only)
Individual Liberty ‘freedom for all’
Children need to be able to understand and value their own self and gain confidence in making choices. Self-esteem, self-confidence and self-awareness are key.
How we promote Individual Liberty in our setting
- through the PSED aspects (Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness) and UTW (People and Communities)
- provide opportunities for risk taking (eg; obstacle courses outdoor)
- include a range of activities and experiences that allow children to explore the language of feelings and responsibilities
- discuss how the story made them feel at story time, allowing them to voice their own feelings and understand that they are free to have different opinions
- In Reception the children choose when, within the day, they complete their mini me challenges.
In each of the Early Years classrooms we have a British Values poster displayed. This is a simple visual summary of the fundamental aspects of British Values designed as a teaching aid to inspire the adults to incorporate BV into daily activities and routines. We also have a set of British Values Flashcards to use in key worker sessions and carpet times throughout the year.
We will challenge behaviours (whether of staff, children or parents) that are not in line with the fundamental British Values.