What We Care About
Nurture, Aspire, Achieve
Pastoral Care
At Gildersome Primary school, we have a strong belief that children are effective learners if the social, emotional and Mental health needs are well supported. We believe that children have to feel safe and happy if they are to learn to their full potential.
We take safeguarding, in all its aspects, very seriously - we have a team of dedicated professionals who have the safety of every child as their main priority. If we feel that a child is at risk we will follow the Leeds Safeguarding policy with rigour.
We have a Learning Mentor (Mr Gary Wright) who works to support children who are struggling to learn because of other factors. We have regular 'Pupil Support' meetings where needs, other than academic, are discussed. Strategies are then put in place to support the child, and if possible, the family. We have regular 'Pupil Support' meetings where needs, other than academic, are discussed. Strategies are then put in place to support the child, and if possible, the family.
Mr Wright and Mrs Phillips monitor attendance. The attendance of children at Gildersome Primary School is good - we work positively to support families where a child's attendance is of concern - every day counts and every day lost through absence is a day that cannot be replaced. The school does not authorise holidays in term time.
As part of our school ethos, we have a behaviour code and a learning code to encourage children to make to the right choices and to be engaged in their learning:
Our Behaviour Code
- We take care of each other
- We take care of our school
- We always do our best
- We show respect to others and good manners at all times
- We move round school sensibly and carefully
Our Learning Code
We care about our learning
- Curious
We want to find out more than we know now
- Aspire
We aspire to do better, even if the learning is challenging and we are not there yet
- Responsible
We know it is our responsibility to learn and we can control how well we do
- Effort
We know learning can be hard work and we have to put effort in to achieve
We have growth mindset embedded within our curriculum to encourage children to work hard to overcome challenges. Children understand that they may not be able to do some aspects of their learning now but with hard work and effort, they will succeed. The children have designed a poster to provide a visual prompt: