School Evaluation
Nurture, Aspire, Achieve
The school was last inspected in January, 2022.
There are likely to be changes to the current framework in September 2025; we will then review our school priorities and make any changes necessary to reflect the new framework.
If you have any questions about the priorities below, please feel free to discuss them with any member of staff or Governors.
Raising standards is the focus of the School Improvement Plan.
In the plan we have four key priorities for 2024-25
Key Priority 1 (Standards)
Improve the combined RWM outcomes for Years 1-6 so that they are line with national averages and so that outcomes in individual core subjects are close to an aspirational figure of 75%
Key Priority 2 (Leadership and Curriculum)
To ensure that children make good progress through a progressive, broad and balanced curriculum with a focus on Computing and Science and that leaders hold staff to account for the quality of their subject teaching.
Key Priority 3 (Leadership and Inclusion)
To ensure that staff develop their teaching and the learning environment to meet the needs of all learners and evidence the impact so that every child, in every lesson makes good progress.
Key Priority 4 (Assessment)
To ensure that pupils are given opportunities to revisit key learning to inform effective foundation assessment processes.
We will continue to ensure that the areas for development from last inspection in 2022, are also part of the SDP:
Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They work together to share their practice. Staff value the regular training and support they have received from school leaders and external partners in helping them to deliver the curriculum. However, some teachers do not consistently ensure that pupils learn the important knowledge that is set out in the curriculum
Leaders and teachers know that the COVID 19 pandemic has led to gaps in pupils knowledge. Teachers routinely check pupils understanding. Adults use this information to identify gaps in knowledge and to make changes to the next learning activity. However, some teachers do not consistently provide opportunities for pupils to revisit important learning from earlier topics so that pupils remember this important information over time.